08 February 2007

Bram Stoker's Dracula (by F.F. Copola)

Dracula was made famous by the first movie done about him, and since the first one most of the movies on the subject became famous. F.F. Copola's movie (Bram Stoker's Dracula) seems to be very appreciated. In this scene one can clearly see the letter sent by Mina (Winona Ryder) to Dracula (Gary Oldman) saying:
"My dearest Prince,
forgive me. I have received word from my fiance in Romania. I am en route to join him. We are to be married, I will never see you again. Mina".

So is really clear that Dracula is presented as a sensible person, and in fact, even in Romanian history Vlad Tepes is neither white or black, is just a complex personality of the middle-age.

What surprises me about the movie is that, while the name of Transylvania is mentioned a few times (and the name of Romania also), Wallachia (where Vlad III ruled) is never mentioned. However, just for the sake of the historic truth, speaking about Romania in XV century is at least odd (if we keep in mind that Romania as a state appeared in 1859 - 24th of January).

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