28 April 2007

The Dark Prince - true story of Dracula (Vlad figthing the turks)

Vlad fights against the Turks, he gets almost killed. But he is saved by this best man, Bruno, right-hand of Dracula. They all believe they'll die, but he wakes up and is interesting his answer when he is said his men truely believe that he is returned from the death: "-Some of the weaker minded, yes !"

Even his wife thinks he is dead when seing him nearby. Similar to the Shakespearean story of Romeo and Juliet she killed herself throwing herself from the edge of the Castle (the story with the castle is less probable to be true, is should have been only the castle of Poienari, as presented in the movie, however is hardly supposable they were still leaving that castle by that time).

With the help of Aron, Lidia's father, that Vlad saved life years ago due to a promise made to her wife, Dracula's brother Radu the Handsdom send a fake letter to the Hungarian King, specifying that Dracula was asking for help agains Hungary. He gets imprisoned untill 1476, when he gets released.